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The list shows the most widely read articles on this site.

  1. Strength (Video): Patty-Cake Planks
    Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comStrength (Video): Patty-Cake Planks

    A partner variation that makes the plank exercise more difficult but more fun. Great for teams or physical education classes.... keep reading..

  1. Cross-Country Running: A More Accurate Method for Determining Heart Rates
    Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comCross-Country Running: A More Accurate Method for Determining Heart Rates

    A more accurate method for determining heart rates - by measuring the time it takes for 10 heart beats to occur. Includes printable chart.... keep reading..

  1. Games: Crazy Legs
    Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education Update.comGames: Crazy Legs

    A game in which a player is pursued around a circle while classmates kick a ball back and forth inside the circle.... keep reading..

  1. Track (Video): Coaching Cue For Better Arm Drive When Running
    Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comTrack (Video): Coaching Cue For Better Arm Drive When Running

    A coaching cue for running that will produce the correct backward elbow drive while maintaining a relaxed shoulder position.... keep reading..

  1. Teaching (Video Link): TAGteaching - An Effective Technique for Teaching Sport Skills
    Shelly Sharp, St. John Bosco SchoolTeaching (Video Link): TAGteaching - An Effective Technique for Teaching Sport Skills

    A physical education teaching technique that uses auditory feedback for instant, positive feedback, not unlike the clicker method used in training dogs.... keep reading..

  1. Field Events: How Far Could You Jump or Throw on Other Planets?
    Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comField Events: How Far Could You Jump or Throw on Other Planets?

    Combine math, physics and physical education by calculating your students' equivalent field event performances on other planets.... keep reading..

  1. Volleyball: Blocker & Spiker Recovery Drill
    Volleyball: Blocker & Spiker Recovery Drill

    A volleyball drill that forces players to quickly recover after making a block or spike.... keep reading..

  1. Football: How Many Footballs Do They Use in an NFL Game?
    Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comFootball: How Many Footballs Do They Use in an 
NFL Game?

    Every NFL game uses more footballs than average physical education teachers have in their entire storage room.... keep reading..

  1. Tennis: Use Your Racket Cover for Strength Development
    Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comTennis: Use Your Racket Cover for Strength Development

    An inexpensive way to develop specific strength for tennis. Easily performed in physical education class or during varsity practices.... keep reading..

  1. Soccer: Fortress Game
    Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comSoccer: Fortress Game

    A soccer leadup game in which a team's goal becomes smaller as they fall behind in the score. Good for physical education class or team practices.... keep reading..

  1. Sport Psychology: Localized Relaxation Technique for Pre-Competition Anxiety
    Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comSport Psychology: Localized Relaxation Technique for Pre-Competition Anxiety

    A way to address those "butterflies in the stomach" that often occur before competitions.... keep reading..

  1. Basketball: Four-Second End-Game Play From the Sideline
    Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comBasketball: Four-Second End-Game Play From the Sideline

    A basketball play you can run with less four seconds left on the clock and an in-bounds pass from the sideline.... keep reading..

  1. Soccer: Obstacle Soccer Game
    Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comSoccer: Obstacle Soccer Game

    A soccer game in which players must dribble and pass around obstacles placed on the field. Great for practice and physical education classes.... keep reading..

  1. Equipment: Softer, Safer Floor Hockey Balls You Can Make Yourself
    Lawrence PlueEquipment: Softer, Safer Floor Hockey Balls You 
Can Make Yourself

    How to make your floor-hockey balls that are soft and safe. Great for physical education classes.... keep reading..

  1. Track (Video): High-Low Drill for Between-Hurdle Acceleration
    Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comTrack (Video): High-Low Drill for Between-Hurdle Acceleration

    A drill to develop acceleration between hurdles, improve technique and stride pattern to the first hurdle and quicken between-hurdle rhythm.... keep reading..

  1. Outdoor Education: Have a Chat With a Firefly
    Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comOutdoor Education: Have a Chat With a Firefly

    You can attract male fireflies by repeating the sequence of their flashes with a flashlight.... keep reading..

  1. Coaching: Use Blowout Games to Develop New Skills
    Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comCoaching: Use Blowout Games to Develop New Skills

    Blowout games are a good time to work on skills that your players are just learning.... keep reading..

  1. Fitness: Group Exercise Affects Your Pain Threshold
    Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comFitness: Group Exercise Affects Your Pain Threshold

    Your pain threshold can be twice as high when exercising in a group versus exercising solo. Highlights one of the benefits of youth exercise in a physical education setting.... keep reading..

  1. Lacrosse: An Extended Arm Position Produces Better Shooting Power
    Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comBetter Position: Arms Away from the Body

    An arm position that is away from the body will, because of basic physics, produce stronger lacrosse shots.... keep reading..

  1. Outdoor Education: Use Firebags to Start Campfires on Windy Days
    Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comOutdoor Education: Use Firebags to Start Campfires on Windy Days

    You can start a fire in windy conditions by lighting your match and kindling inside a paper bag.... keep reading..

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