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Physical Education Update shows you the secret tricks of the trade that help PE teachers improve sport technique, keep phys-ed classes fun, jazz up PE lesson plans, update your coaching, get kids fit and much, much more! It provides practical information that you can use with your physical education classes & school sports teams...right away!!

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Fundraising: Alumni Basketball Tournament
D. Moss, EditorFundraising: Alumni Basketball Tournament

A tournament in which the players on each team must be former students from the same school.... keep reading..

Coaching: Use a Selection Panel to Make Team Cuts
Coaching: Use a Selection Panel to Make Team Cuts

A selection panel can help you make final team cuts and reduce parental criticism of your selections.... keep reading..

Fitness: How to Give Visual and Verbal Cues During Aerobics Routines
D. Moss, EditorFitness: How to Give Visual and Verbal Cues During Aerobics Routines

Tips for using verbal and visual cues to help students make movement transitions in your aerobics classes.... keep reading..

Promotion: Increase Team Interest with a Photo Contest
D. Moss, EditorPromotion: Increase Team Interest with a Photo Contest

Increase student interest for your teams by organizing a photo contest with athletes as subjects.... keep reading..

Tennis: Sticky Dots Help Players Aim the Ball
D. Moss, EditorTennis: Sticky Dots Help Players Aim the Ball

Sticky dots on racquet handles can help your players aim their tennis shots.... keep reading..

Baseball/Softball: Which is Better: A Long Or Short Batting Stride?
Pat AitkenBaseball/Softball: Which is Better: A Long Or Short Batting Stride?

While it may not feel that way, a short stride should make your batters more powerful and consistent.... keep reading..

Other Sports: How to Determine the Correct Length for a Skipping Rope
D. Moss, EditorOther Sports: How to Determine the Correct Length for a Skipping Rope

A method for determining the correct length for your skipping rope.... keep reading..

Games: Dog Sled Racing for Your Winter Carnival
D. Moss, EditorGames: Dog Sled Racing for Your Winter Carnival

A race in which teams of toboggan-riding students are pulled around a snow-covered track. A great winter carnival activity.... keep reading..

Equipment: Use Volleyball Standards for Indoor Tetherball
Michelle Gaus, ContributorEquipment: Use Volleyball Standards for Indoor Tetherball

Volleyball uprights make good tetherball poles.... keep reading..

Basketball: Transition Drills to Keep Your Players Thinking
D. Moss, EditorBasketball: Transition Drills to Keep Your Players Thinking

Methods used by the late NCAA coach, Bobby Knight, to develop quick reactions to changes of possession... keep reading..

Sport Science: Elastic Energy Demonstration on a Desktop
D. Moss, EditorSport Science: Elastic Energy Demonstration on a Desktop

A demonstration that illustrates theeffectivenss of enhancing elastic energy through plyometric training.... keep reading..

XC Skiing: Scooter Drills Teach Push-Off & Glide Skills
D. Moss, EditorXC Skiing: Scooter Drills Teach Push-Off & Glide Skills

Drills in which skiers remove a ski and concentrate on pushing off with one leg while gliding with the other.... keep reading..

Fitness: Surprise Workout Slips Keep Your Students Motivated
D. Moss, EditorFitness: Surprise Workout Slips Keep Your Students Motivated

A way to add variety to a fitness regimen and overcome the inertia that results from not being able to decide what fitness activity to do each day.... keep reading..

Sport Psychology: Mental Trick to Avoid Letdowns When You Have a Lead
D. Moss, EditorSport Psychology: Mental Trick to Avoid Letdowns When You Have a Lead

Imagining the score is reversed will prevent your players from letting down when they’ve achieved a lead.... keep reading..

Badminton: How to Use Anticipatory Hops
Pat AitkenBadminton: How to Use Anticipatory Hops

The tiny hops performed by badminton players waiting to return a shot improve their speed of movement to the shuttle.... keep reading..

Administration: Tips to Prevent Hazing
D. MossAdministration: Tips to Prevent Hazing

Policies to reduce the possibility that hazing will occur at your school.... keep reading..

Games: Cardio-Ball
Sandy AdamsGames: Cardio-Ball

A kickball variation with an enhanced fitness component.... keep reading..

Icebreaker Game: Truth or Consequences
Dick Moss, EditorIcebreaker Game: Truth or Consequences

A tag variation that allows you to test your students’ academic knowledge.... keep reading..

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