General PE Topics continued
Displaying Matches 1 thru 5 of 5 Found.
Games: Indoor Waterskiing
You can "waterski" in your gym using a rope, a towel and a partner.... keep reading..
Strength: Medicine Ball Pushups
Pushups using a medicine ball that develop explosiveness, coordination and proprioception.... keep reading..
Fundraisers: Pajama Day Fundraiser
A fundraiser in which students and staff purchase tags allowing them to wear their pajamas to school.... keep reading..
Equipment: Using Rope to Mark Court Lines on Grass, Sand or Asphalt
How to use long ropes to make court lines for outdoor volleyball and other physical education games.... keep reading..
Nutrition: Juice Boxes Keep Your Sports-Cooler Cool
Your athletes' portable coolers, filled with their personal competition snacks, can be kept cold with frozen juice boxes.... keep reading..
Displaying Matches 1 thru 5 of 5 Found