Nutrition: Juice Boxes Keep Your Sports-Cooler Cool

Nutrition: Juice Boxes Keep Your Sports-Cooler Cool

Dick Moss, Editor, PE

When traveling to competitions, your athletes can provide inexpene breakfasts and between-event snacks by filling a small cooler with easy-to-digest, high-carbohydrate foods.

Coolers are now being made in the shape of knapsacks or camera bags—very inconspicuous and easy to carry.

However, such coolers require something cold inside to maintain their refrigerating properties. Your students could use ice or a cold pack, but the ice eventually melts, dampening the food, and a cold pack takes up needed space.

A great solution to this problem is to freeze juice boxes overnight and use them to keep the cooler cool. They'll eventually melt so they can be sipped or they can be eaten frozen like a popsicle. And unlike some other containers, juice boxes will not explode inside your freezer.

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