Pick of the Week continued

Displaying Matches 49 thru 64 of 102 Found.  FIRSTBACK NEXTLAST

Track (Video): Self-Reporting System for Track Practice
Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education UpdateTrack (Video): Self-Reporting System for Track Practice

A system in which runners record their own times during track practices or physical education classes.... keep reading..

Golf Ball Compression - Unlocking the Mystery for Physical Education Teachers
Anthony ReedyGolf Ball Compression - Unlocking the Mystery for Physical Education Teachers

The compression ratings on golf balls can affect your success on the course. Here's what the ratings mean.... keep reading..

Baseball/Softball: When to Barehand the Ball
Dick MossBaseball/Softball: When to Barehand the Ball

Tips on when and how to field the ball with a bare hand.... keep reading..

Strength (Video): Wisconsin Hops for Sports Teams and Physical Education Class
Dick MossStrength (Video): Wisconsin Hops for Sports Teams and Physical Education Class

A variation of regular hopping that's lower impact and more specific to running.... keep reading..

Equipment: How to Make Balloon Racquets for Your Physical Education Classes
Dick Moss Finished Racquet

How to make inexpensive racquets, using coat hangers and panty hose, that are great for balloon games in your physical education classes.... keep reading..

Fitness/Flexibility (Video): Increase the Effectiveness of the Lunge Stretch for the Hip Flexors
Dick MossFitness/Flexibility (Video): Increase the Effectiveness of the Lunge Stretch for the Hip Flexors

A slight variation to the lunge stretch can greatly increase the effect on the hip flexors.... keep reading..

Sport Psychology (Video): Icebreaker - The "Who's Behind Me" Game
Dick Moss, EditorSport Psychology (Video): Icebreaker - The Who's Behind Me Game

An icebreaker game in which players must guess who is sitting behind them based on clues provided by their teammates.... keep reading..

Baseball/Coaching - Reduce the Number of Players Who Come Late to Practice
Dick MossBaseball/Coaching - Reduce the Number of Players Who Come Late to Practice

An incentive that will reduce the number of players who arrive late for practice.... keep reading..

Basketball - Eye Focus Research for Foul Shots
Dick MossBasketball - Eye Focus Research for Foul Shots

Research has shown that eye focus is more important in the brief period before a foul shot, than during the shot itself.... keep reading..

Golf - How High to Tee the Ball
Dick MossGolf - How High to Tee the Ball

The correct height to tee up the ball, based upon the latest research.... keep reading..

Badminton - Triangle Principle for Shuttle Placement
Dick MossBadminton - Triangle Principle for Shuttle Placement

Avoid making diagonal shots to fatigue opponents by forcing them to change direction on every shot.... keep reading..

Gymnastics - Cue for Keeping the Head Level in the Back Handspring
Dick MossGymnastics - Cue for Keeping the Head Level in the Back Handspring

A coaching cue for keeping the head level during back handsprings.... keep reading..

XC Skiing: Diagonal Stride - Cue for a Better Kick
Dick MossXC Skiing: Diagonal Stride - Cue for a Better Kick

A coaching cue for better leg drive in the diagonal stride.... keep reading..

Fundraiser - Crazy Hat Day Fundraiser
Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education Update.comFundraiser - Crazy Hat Day Fundraiser

A day on which students and staff pay a fee to wear their craziest hat to class.... keep reading..

Hockey - Tip for Keeping the Head Up
Dick MossHockey - Tip for Keeping the Head Up

Focusing on a spot that is at head-level will help players keep their head up while handling the puck.... keep reading..

Blog - Can Physical Education Unite a War-Torn Country?
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comBlog - Can Physical Education Unite a War-Torn Country?

The latest posting in the PE Update blog discusses the expansion of physical education in Uganda and it's hoped-for role in that embattled nation... keep reading..

Displaying Matches 49 thru 64 of 102 Found FIRSTBACK NEXTLAST

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