Sport-Specific Topics continued

Displaying Matches 1 thru 5 of 5 Found.  

Hockey: Better Ways to Organize Your Hockey and Skating Classes
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Upate.omHockey: Better Ways to Organize Your Hockey and Skating Classes

How to organize your hockey classes/practices to make the best use of limited space and time.... keep reading..

Basketball: Games - Walk the Plank
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Upate.comBasketball: Games - Walk the Plank

A basketball shooting game in which players on teams compete against a partner to sink shots from locations farther and farther from the basket.... keep reading..

Badminton: Soccer Badminton
Nadine SlavinskiBadminton: Soccer Badminton

A badminton leadup game in which players attempt to serve the shuttle past a goalie into a "goal."... keep reading..

Soccer: Homemade Kicking Tees Make Ball-Striking Easier for Beginners
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comSoccer: Homemade Kicking Tees Make Ball-Striking Easier for Beginners

How to make inexpensive kicking tees that make it easier for beginners to learn to kick the ball correctly and experienced players to learn advanced ball-striking skills.... keep reading..

Track & Field: Use a Repetitive Cue for Sprint Starts and Jumps Runups
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comTrack & Field: Use a Repetitive Cue for Sprint Starts and Jumps Runups

A repetitive mental cue can prevent the hesitation that often occurs after the first stride out of the starting blocks. It can also improve runup consistency in jumping events.... keep reading..

Displaying Matches 1 thru 5 of 5 Found  

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