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Games: Tic-Tac "Know"
Candace Meredith & Brett D. MillsGames: Tic-Tac Know

A physical education game that combines academic knowledge and tossing skills in a variation of Tic-Tac-Toe.... keep reading..

Track/XC/Games: Running: A Wet Version of the Sprint-to-the-Front Drill
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comTrack/XC/Games: Running: A Wet Version of the Sprint-to-the-Front Drill

A variation of the Sprint-to-the-Front drill, in which water balloons are tossed overhead from the front of the line to the rear.... keep reading..

Football: Quarterback Scan Drill for Better Field Vision
Pat AitkenFootball: Quarterback Scan Drill for Better Field Vision

A football drill that improves your quarterback's ability to identify open receivers.... keep reading..

Fundraising: How Much to Charge for Event Program Ads
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comFundraising: How Much to Charge for Event Program Ads

How to determine the best price for game and event program advertisements based on the cost of production.... keep reading..

Blog: Professional Soccer Team Takes on 100 SchoolKids
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comBlog: Professional Soccer Team Takes on 100 SchoolKids

Our latest blog, before summer vacation, shows a fun video in which a professional soccer team from Japan plays against a squad composed of 100 schoolboys.... keep reading..

Gymnastics: Letter Hop Sheets
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comGymnastics: Letter Hop Sheets

A balance activity that your physical education students will love, in which they hop onto letters marked on vinyl sheets.... keep reading..

Psychology: Coping With the Death of a Student
Charles SilbermanPsychology: Coping With the Death of a Student

An overview of coping strategies that teachers, students and school systems can take in response to the death of a student.... keep reading..

Golf: Remove a Shoe for Better Weight Shift
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comGolf: Remove a Shoe for Better Weight Shift

Cure a reverse weight shift by removing the shoe from the back foot during practice swings.... keep reading..

Travel: A Coffee Straw Keeps Your Eyes on the Road
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comTravel: A Coffee Straw Keeps Your Eyes on the Road

Sipping through a straw is a safer way to drink your coffee while driving.... keep reading..

Sport Psychology: Cue Words Help Players Recover From Mistakes
Pat Aitken for PE Update.comSport Psychology: Cue Words Help Players Recover From Mistakes

Cue words can help your athletes turn an error into success.... keep reading..

Blog: Outward Appearances Can Belie the Talents Within
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comBlog: Outward Appearances Can Belie the Talents Within

Our latest blog shows a video with an excellent teaching point for physical education students - don't underestimate people because of their appearance.... keep reading..

Games: Run and Jump Relay
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comGames: Run and Jump Relay

A relay game for physical education class that combines running and skipping skills.... keep reading..

Archery: Place the Index Finger in the Mouth When Drawing the Archery Bow
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comArchery: Place the Index Finger in the Mouth When Drawing the Archery Bow

Coaching cues for drawing the archery bow with the middle fingers and establishing a high anchor point at the mouth.... keep reading..

Displaying Matches 1 thru 13 of 13 Found  

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