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Resources: Developing Physical Literacy - A Guide for Parents of Children Ages 0-12
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comResources: Developing Physical Literacy - A Guide for Parents of Children Ages 0-12

A free 40-page eBook that provides guidelines for developing physical literacy in children.... keep reading..

Health: Nine-Year Old Students Should be Taught CPR
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comHealth: Nine-Year Old Students Should be Taught CPR

Physical education and health students as young as nine years of age can be taught CPR.... keep reading..

Football: Quarterbacks - A Coaching Cue for Better Weight-Shift & Follow-Through
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comFootball: Quarterbacks - A Coaching Cue for Better Weight-Shift & Follow-Through

Have students drag the back toe when throwing the football to ensure good balance, weight-shift and follow-through. Also a good tip when teaching football in physical education class.... keep reading..

Strength (Video): Exercise Ball Hamstring Curls
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comStrength (Video): Exercise Ball Hamstring Curls

How to perform hamstring curls with an exercise ball. How limb positions can be used to change level of difficulty and diagnose leg strength discrepancies.... keep reading..

Equipment/Golf: Golf Ball Age Affects Hitting Distance
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comEquipment/Golf: Golf Ball Age Affects Hitting Distance

Golf balls lose one yard in distance per year…even if they haven't been used.... keep reading..

Displaying Matches 1 thru 5 of 5 Found  

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