General PE Topics continued

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Nutrition: Banana Management Tips
Dick Moss, EditorNutrition: Banana Management Tips

How to keep bananas from going bad, how freezing makes them into a frozen snack and other fun banana tips.... keep reading..

Fundraising: Alumni Basketball Tournament Fundraiser
Dick Moss, EditorFundraising: Alumni Basketball Tournament Fundraiser

A tournament in which the players on each team must be former students at a local school.... keep reading..

Equipment: Use Volleyball Standards for Indoor Tetherball
Contributor: Michelle GausEquipment: Use Volleyball Standards for Indoor Tetherball

Volleyball uprights can be used for tetherball poles.... keep reading..

Fitness: Abdominal Exercises You Can Perform While Sitting
Dick Moss, EditorFitness: Abdominal Exercises You Can Perform While Sitting

Two abdominal exercises your students can perform while sitting at their desk.... keep reading..

Travel: Using to Book Hotel Rooms for Team Trips
Dixie IversonTravel: Using to Book Hotel Rooms for Team Trips

How to use the online travel service, Hotwire, to save money on accommodations for team trips.... keep reading..

Administration - Intramurals Survey
Meghan JuutiAdministration - Intramurals Survey

A reproducible questionnaire that determines the intramural activities your students most want to play.... keep reading..

Training-Room Tips: Intermittent Icing Method is Most Effective
Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education Update.comTraining-Room Tips: Intermittent Icing Method is Most Effective

An effective injury icing regimen, in which patients ice for 10 minutes, rest, then repeat.... keep reading..

Facilities: How to Make a Winter Mini-Golf Course In Your School Yard
Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education Update.comFacilities: How to Make a Winter Mini-Golf Course In Your School Yard

How to make a winter mini-putt course in your schoolyard for use in PE classes or recess.... keep reading..

Games: War Canoe Race for Physical Education Class
Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education Update.comGames: War Canoe Race for Physical Education Class

A race for physical education class, in which teams guided by a steersman run backwards through an obstacle course.... keep reading..

Sport Psychology: Three Techniques to Reduce Pre-Competition Anxiety - Paradoxical Intention, Nervous Time & Objectivity
Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education Update.comSport Psychology: Three Techniques to Reduce 
Pre-Competition Anxiety - Paradoxical Intention, Nervous Time & Objectivity

Three techniques for decreasing your athletes' pre-competition anxiety, including having them magnify their symptoms of nervousness.... keep reading..

Displaying Matches 1 thru 10 of 10 Found  

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