Sport-Specific Topics continued

Displaying Matches 1 thru 6 of 6 Found.  

Basketball: Snake Catcher Game
Pat Aitken for PE Update.comBasketball: Snake Catcher Game

A basketball leadup game for dribbling in which players must step on a rope "snake" while dribbling a basketball. A good game for inclusion in your physical education lesson plans for basketball.... keep reading..

Baseball/Softball: Mad Dog Baseball Game
Pat Aitken for PE Update.comBaseball/Softball: Mad Dog Baseball Game

A baseball variation in which the entire batting team runs the bases and every fielding player must run to the catch. Lots of fun for PE classes - add it to your PE lesson plans!... keep reading..

Badminton: Mental Cue for Service Reception in Doubles
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comBadminton: Mental Cue for Service Reception in Doubles

A mental cue for badminton that allows service receivers positioned near the net to return high flick serves.... keep reading..

Cross-Country Running: Racing Tips for Slower Runners
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comCross-Country Running: Racing Tips for Slower Runners

There is usually a wide range of abilities on any school's cross-country running team. Here's how to keep your slower runners engaged during cross-country races and team practices.... keep reading..

Wrestling: Bacon Wrestling Drill
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comWrestling: Bacon Wrestling Drill

A fun drill in which wrestlers must act like cooking bacon before wrestling. Both your varsity athletes and PE students will enjoy this game.... keep reading..

Volleyball: Beginner Volleyball Ideas
Ursula Yanchak, ContributorVolleyball: Beginner Volleyball Ideas

Some tips to make volleyball more fun for beginners. Particularly appropriate for senior elementary or early high school physical education classes.... keep reading..

Displaying Matches 1 thru 6 of 6 Found  

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