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Displaying Matches 1 thru 4 of 4 Found.  

Soccer - Use Aerobic Interval Training for Soccer Fitness
Soccer - Use Aerobic Interval Training for Soccer Fitness

Aerobic-interval running workouts are more effective at improving players' fitness than regular soccer drills.... keep reading..

Equipment: How to Make Balloon Racquets for Your Physical Education Classes
Dick Moss Finished Racquet

How to make inexpensive racquets, using coat hangers and panty hose, that are great for balloon games in your physical education classes.... keep reading..

Sport Psych: The "Count" Technique for Better Focus During Racquet Sports
Dick MossSport Psych: The Count Technique for Better Focus During Racquet Sports

Minimize distracting thoughts by having players count each time the ball contacts a racquet.... keep reading..

Health/Nutrition - The Link Between Salt and Obesity
Dick MossHealth/Nutrition - The Link Between 
Salt and Obesity

Studies have shown that an increased consumption of salt from processed foods and snacks may be partially responsible for the epidemic of overweight children and adolescents.... keep reading..

Displaying Matches 1 thru 4 of 4 Found  

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