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Displaying Matches 1 thru 8 of 8 Found.
This year's Paris Marathon experimented with tiles that generate electricity every time someone steps on them.... keep reading..
The tugball is a new invention that allows for a number of new games to be played in your physical education classes.... keep reading..
Ready position at the net is slightly different than in the backcourt, with the tennis racquet lifted to eye level and the arms held forward.... keep reading..
A team activity in which students swim in a line, stroking with one arm while holding another swimmer with the other.... keep reading..
How to perform shoulder shrugs using a partner instead of weights or machines.... keep reading..
This season's March Madness featured a team from a small previously unknown team from Florida Gulf Coast University. They provide a great lesson for small-school, underdog teams everywhere.... keep reading..
This soccer leadup game encourages passing and teamwork by awarding points for consecutive passes.... keep reading..
Balls on the ground should be scooped up with one hand below and the other above.... keep reading..
Displaying Matches 1 thru 8 of 8 Found