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Quotes: The Difference Between Knowledge and Wisdom
Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education Update.comQuotes: The Difference Between Knowledge and Wisdom

A reproducible poster that describes difference between knowledge and wisdom.... keep reading..

Health: The Best Sitting Position for Minimizing Back Stress
Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education Update.comHealth: The Best Sitting Position for Minimizing Back Stress

New technology has found the best sitting posture for minimizing back strain...and it's not the traditional upright position.... keep reading..

Soccer (Video Link): Side Volley Drill Progression for Teams or Physical Education Class
Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education Update.comSoccer (Video Link): Side Volley Drill Progression for Teams or Physical Education Class

A drill progression that teaches soccer players the side volley technique. Good for teams or physical education class.... keep reading..

Equipment: Choosing the Right Soccer Ball for School Teams and Physical Education Classes
Michelle Gaus, ContributorEquipment: Choosing the Right Soccer Ball for School Teams and Physical Education Classes

A features guide that will help you to make educated decisions when buying soccer balls for school teams and physical education classes.... keep reading..

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