PE Videos continued

Displaying Matches 1 thru 3 of 3 Found.  

Strength (Video): Resisted Knee Lifts Improve Sprint Speed
Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education Update.comStrength (Video): Resisted Knee Lifts Improve Sprint Speed

An 8-week program of resisted knee lifts can improve 40-yard dash times by .23 seconds.... keep reading..

Games - Tachook
Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education Update.comGames - Tachook

A netball or team handball variation in which points are scored by bouncing the ball off the backboards to a teammate. Great for physical education classes.... keep reading..

Health Class (Video): The Ruler-Drop Reaction-Time Test
Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education Update.comHealth Class (Video): The Ruler-Drop Reaction-Time Test

A simple test using only a ruler that allows you to estimate reaction times. A fun exercise for health classes.... keep reading..

Displaying Matches 1 thru 3 of 3 Found  

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