Teaching Tips: Index Card Method for Picking Teams in Physical Education Classes

Teaching Tips: Index Card Method for Picking Teams in Physical Education Classes

Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education Update.com

Sometimes, random selection is the best way to select teams for physical education classes.

Sure, sometimes the squads will occasionally be lopsided, but over time, they tend to provide a good level of competition. And sometimes, a team that looks overmatched on paper will come together and outplay their more talented opponents.

It gives everyone the chance to work with each other as teammates. And most important, random selection avoids the humiliation of being the last one selected by peers based on talent or popularity.

Index Card Selection Method
A great way to randomly choose teams is to put every student's name on a 5" x 7" index card. When making selections, shuffle the cards and ask a student to tell you when to stop. Then deal the cards into as many groups as you need.

Even for those chosen last (and sometimes it will be the best athletes), everyone will know the order of selection was a matter of chance.

Reference: "Choosing Teams in Gym Class." February 28, 2007. NASPE Forum Posting. http://www.pelinks4u.org/naspeforum

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