Volleyball (Video) - Double Block Bump Tips

Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.com

Outside Blocker - Starting On the Outside and Moving In - Can Cause a Violent Bump
Outside Blocker - Starting On the Outside and Moving In - Can Cause a Violent Bump
A good double block will put up a wall that opposing spikers can't penetrate. It can also intimidate opponents or, even if they hit around the wall, force them to put the ball where you want - into the heart of your waiting defense.

Here are several key points you should remember when performing the double block.

1. Bump Together
The middle blocker should move to - and bump against - the outside blocker before jumping. This forms a tight wall as they jump together. The contact is also a signal that allows both blockers to coordinate their jump.

2. Outside Blocker Position

Outside Blocker - Starting Towards the Middle and Moving Out - Can Soften the Bump
Outside Blocker - Starting Towards the Middle and Moving Out - Can Soften the Bump
One of the dangers of bumping together is that the bump can be so hard that it knocks the outside blocker off-balance. If you position her on the outside line so that she is moving towards the middle blocker, the chances of a collision are greater. Remember, it is the outside blocker who determines the location of the block.

So, to avoid the problem of colliding blockers, have the outside blocker start slightly towards the middle, so she must slide towards the outside to reach the block position - the middle blocker follows (although not as far and not as fast). This reduces the probability of hard contact because both blockers are moving in the same direction.

3. Reduce Drift

Once the Bump is Made, the Blockers Can Form a Solid Wall
Once the Bump is Made, the Blockers Can Form a Solid Wall
A common problem in the double block is sideways drift of one or both players once they leave their feet. To prevent this, make sure they both stop their sideways motion before the jump, then jump straight upward.

Demonstration Video
To see a video demonstration of double blocking and a good blocking drill, see the reference below.

Reference: Hayley Merret, Double Blocking Drill #2, Volleyball Video Tutorials. Click Here to See Video


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