Health - Use a Microwave to Sterilize Dirty Sponges

Health - Use a Microwave to Sterilize Dirty Sponges

Meghan Juuti

Instead of constantly throwing out smelly, bacteria-infested sponges, try sterilizing them in a microwave.

How to Sterilize
First, soak the sponges, then heat them in the microwave for two minutes at 90%. And voila! You have just killed 99% of the sponges' germs!

To avoid fires, be sure the sponges are the cellulose type and that you soak them before heating. Also, ensure the microwave is no stronger than 1100 watts and that you don't set the power higher than 90%. 

Reference: "Safety Alert: Nuking Sponges." IDEA Fitness Journal, May 2007.


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