Forward Lunge Crawl 1. Start Position (left) 2. Step Forward With Instep Beside Pinky Finger (center) 3. Lower the Elbow (right)
Forward Lunge Crawl

1. Start Position (left) 2. Step Forward With Instep Beside Pinky Finger (center) 3. Lower the Elbow (right)

Fitness: Forward Lunge-Crawl for the Hip Flexors

Dick Moss

Tight hips flexors will limit your athletes' range of motion when running, reducing stride length and running speed. They also can contribute to poor posture and injuries in the lower back and legs.

Here's a stretch that will improve your athletes' hip flexor flexibility.

The Stretch

1. Players begin in the push-up position, then move their right foot forward until the instep is beside their right pinkie finger. Make sure they keep their backs straight and hips low. Their left leg stays back, producing a position that is an exaggerated lunge.

2. Tell them to lower their right elbow towards the instep of their right foot. If needed, they can use their other hand for support.

3. Players pause for one second then crawl forward until they are once again in the pushup position.

4. Have them repeat this crawling motion with the other leg, alternating each leg five times as they move up the field.

If there's no room to crawl forward, athletes can forget the crawl and simply move their right leg backwards, return to the starting (pushup) position, then perform the next repetition with the left leg. They can alternate left and right in this manner, without actually moving forward down the field.

Reference: Rett Larson. "Dynamite Warm-Up Exercises." Women's Basketball Website, February 2007.


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