Strength - Exercise Ball Side Squats
The Exercise Ball Side Squat is a valuable strength exercise for athletes who must cut laterally when running, such as basketball, football and soccer players. It's also useful for athletes who push sideways as a means of propulsion. Hockey players and nordic skiers are good examples.
How to Perform
All you need to perform this exercise is an exercise ball and a wall. Stand beside the wall, about a stride away, then lean into the wall with the ball just below armpit level. Bend the inside leg so the foot clears the floor.
Then perform a one-legged squat with the outside leg, being sure the knee and foot are facing forward and aligned with each other. The body must remain straight throughout the movement. As you lift and lower, the ball will roll up and down the side of your torso.
You must push sideways against the wall when lifting. This is the key to the exercise and it targets the hip muscles involved in pushing sideways when making a cut. You'll feel the strain on the outside of the hip and upper thigh.
If you extend your inside leg (instead of bending it), you will increase the difficulty of the exercise.
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update, 2007
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