Search Results for: All Files in Nutrition Category

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download  *Food Safety Website*  *Food Safety Website*

A website that provides excellent reproducible materials about food safety education.

download  *Banana Management Tips*  *Banana Management Tips*

How to keep bananas from going bad, how freezing makes them into a frozen snack and other fun banana facts.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

Search terms: nutrition,banana,bananas, sport nutrition

download  *Beer & Carbohydrate Replenishment*  *Beer & Carbohydrate Replenishment*

Beer is a poor post-exercise drink because it contains many calories but few usable carbohydrates or vitamins and has a dehydrating effect.

download  *Calorie Boost - Milk & Juice*  *Calorie Boost - Milk & Juice*

Your students can increase their caloric intake by boosting the calories in milk and juices.

download  *Breakfast - Before Workouts?*  *Breakfast - Before Workouts?*

Skipping a pre-workout breakfast may actually reduce the calorie-burning effects of the workout.

download  *Caffeine in Soft Drinks & Taste*  *Caffeine in Soft Drinks & Taste*

A study has found that addictive caffeine in soft drinks does not improve taste preference.

download  *Caffeine & Soft Drink Addiction*  *Caffeine & Soft Drink Addiction*

A study has found that caffeine in soft drinks makes them addictive but does not improve their taste.

download  *Calcium Intake - How to Increase*  *Calcium Intake - How to Increase*

Add non-fat powdered milk to skim milk and to coffee to increase calcium intake.

download  *Calories - How to Increase Intake*  *Calories - How to Increase Intake*

Between-meal snacks that will increase your athletes? calorie intake by 500, 1000, or 1500 calories.

download  *Carbonated Coolers - How to Make*  *Carbonated Coolers - How to Make*

Carbonated water mixed with fruit juice is a healthy, thirst-quenching alternative for those who drink too much soda pop.

download  *Chocolate Milk Versus Pop*  *Chocolate Milk Versus Pop*

Chocolate milk can be as effective a recovery drink as many commercial energy drinks.

download  *Coral Calcium Quackery*  *Coral Calcium Quackery*

Claims for the effectiveness of coral calcium are false.

download  *Low Carbohydrate Diets & Athletes*  *Low Carbohydrate Diets & Athletes*

Low carbohydrate diets may be effective for weight-loss, but they aren?t effective for athletes who engage in intense exercisise, and in particular, endurance athletes.

download  *Don't Eat Raw Eggs*  *Don't Eat Raw Eggs*

Raw eggs contain a vitamin that prevents the absorption of biotin, a vitamin used in lactic acid breakdown, as well as fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

download  *Drink Before Feeling Thirsty*  *Drink Before Feeling Thirsty*

Athletes who wait until they are thirsty before drinking will already have lost between two and four pints of fluid.

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