Fun Stuff for PE Newsletter #61 
November 13, 2008

Fun Stuff for PE Newsletter #61
November 13, 2008

Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education

1. Editor's Note

Fun Stuff for PE Newsletter #61 
November 13, 2008
What's been added to PE over the past two weeks? Lots of good stuff, including an article on a badminton lead-up game; a good drill for basketball dribbling and information on the best target when passing in lacrosse. There's also an article that will help you purchase golf drivers for your PE class, and another on a fun reaction-time test you can perform in health class.

The above articles are for PE Update members-only. But this newsletter also contains lots of free content! For example, there's a link to some inspirational videos from the 1992 Olympics and to our latest blog, in which I discuss my dismay at the infringement by business consultants on the term "coach." And from our archives, there's an article describing a coaching cue that will help your students maintain perfect head position while performing squats.

This newsletter is free, but most of the content on PE is for members-only, including instructional videos, the discussion group, over 2000 articles that you can read, print and email... and much more.

If you're not already a member of the PE website, then join up today!! You can get more information here: PE Update Membership Information

I hope you enjoy this issue!

Dick Moss, Editor


Fun Stuff for PE Newsletter #61 
November 13, 2008
2. From the Web

The weather here in Ontario is getting darker, colder and more dreary, so it's time for some inspiration.

The following video clips feature Derek Redmond at the Barcelona Olympics in 1992. Redmond, a potential 400m medalist from Great Britain, pulled a hamstring on the back-straight of his semi-final. It was his second major injury in two Olympic competitions. After overcoming the shock of his injury, he got up to finish the race, hopping on one foot.

As he hopped around the final turn, his father jumped onto the track to assist him and ensure he'd be able to finish his race. (Kudos to the officials who let his father continue). It's a shining example of both the true Olympic spirit and fatherly love. I have seen many videos of the event and the live Japanese version is the best. Click here to see the video:
Derek Redmond Olympic Courage

There's also a retrospective with commentary by Redmond.
Derek Redmond Retrospective


Fun Stuff for PE Newsletter #61 
November 13, 2008
3. New Additions to the Website

Here are the Articles that have been added to the website over the past two weeks.
These articles are available to members of PE

  • Badminton: Four-Square Balloon Badminton
    A badminton lead-up game for PE class in which four players attempt to prevent a balloon from touching down in their area.

  • Basketball: Pound the Grass Dribbling Drill
    Develop basketball dribbling strength and skill by dribbling on grass. Great for practice or physical education classes.

  • Golf: How to Choose the Perfect Driver
    How to select the best golf drivers for your physical education classes.

  • Health Class: The Ruler-Drop Reaction-Time Test
    A simple test using only a ruler that allows you to estimate reaction times. A fun exercise for health classes.

  • Lacrosse: Passes Behind the Receiver are Often Best
    Unlike in other sports, lacrosse passes should often be aimed behind the receiver. Here's why.

The PE website has 287 other articles on these topics! Become a member and you can read them all today! Click Here!


Fun Stuff for PE Newsletter #61 
November 13, 2008
**Don't Delay - Join the PE Update Website Today!**

You'll receive the following benefits:

  • New articles on the latest in PE and sports instruction - digested from the best books, journals, videos, coaching clinics, DVD's and instructional websites from around the world!
  • Information is PRACTICAL, illustrated, and quick to read, easy to understand.
  • Every article is illustrated for better comprehension.
  • A colleague's discussion forum.
  • Instructional videos.
  • A HUGE, searchable library of almost 2000 downloadable pdf articles.
  • An RSS Feed to inform you of changes!
  • A free bonus of 21 reproducible coaching charts.
  • Only $7.95 U.S. per month, or $59.95 for a full year!

Don't Delay! To join PE, Click Here!


Fun Stuff for PE Newsletter #61 
November 13, 2008
4. From the PE Update Blog

Monday Morning Musings on the World of Sports, Coaching & Physical Education from Editor, Dick Moss.

Your editor discusses his issues with the way the term "coach" is now being used as a marketing term for business and lifestyle consulting."


Fun Stuff for PE Newsletter #61 
November 13, 2008
5. From the Archives

Each week, I'll highlight a useful article from the PE Update Archives. The article will be available to non-members of the website for a week, and to members forever!

Strength: Coaching Cue for Correct Head Position in the Squat

A coaching cue that will help students maintain good head position as they descend and rise in the squat exercise.

The PE website has 86 other articles on strength training ready for you to read! Become a member and get access to them today! Click Here!


6. How to Subscribe/Unsubscribe to the
"FUN STUFF FOR PE" Newsletter

If you haven't already subscribed to the "FUN STUFF FOR PE" Newsletter, do it now! You'll receive a free copy of a super eBook that will save you tons of money. Called "Sports and PE Equipment You Can Make Yourself," it's 146 pages and is a $12.99 value - but you get if FREE! Just go to the following link to subscribe:

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