Search Results for: All Files in gymnastics Category

Your selection returned: 49 items   -   Displaying Matches 31 thru 45 of 49 Found.  FIRSTBACK  NEXTLAST

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Title / Description
download  *Gymnastics - Balloon Relay Race*  *Gymnastics - Balloon Relay Race*

A relay in which players must perform gymnastics skills in the time it takes a balloon to drop to the floor.

[Search terms: gymnastics games, gymnastics leadup games,gymnastics lead-up games,gymnastics drills,gymnastics contests,gymnastics activities

download  *Forward Thigh Stand - How to Teach*  *Forward Thigh Stand - How to Teach*

How a wall and bench can help you teach the forward thigh stand.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

Search terms: gymnastics techniques,forward thigh stand teaching,forward thigh stand progression

download  *Forward Salto - Progression*  *Forward Salto - Progression*

A learning progression using a box horse, springboard and crash mats that makes the forward salto seem less intimidating

download  *Forward Salto - Lack of Height Fix*  *Forward Salto - Lack of Height Fix*

The reason for poor height and incomplete rotation in the forward salto is usually an arm drive that is downward, not upward.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

Search terms: gymnastics,gymnastic techniques,gymnastics tips,forward salto

download  *Forward Roll - Three Position*  *Forward Roll - Three Position*

A forward-roll practice in which students begin and/or complete their rolls in different positions.

download  *Competition - 3 Routine Options*  *Competition - 3 Routine Options*

Gymnasts should have three routines for every event: a safe routine, a regular routine and a dream routine.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

[Search terms: gymnastics tips,gymnastics routines

download  *Centipede Walk*  *Centipede Walk*

A partner/group activity in which students place their legs on top of a support-person and walk forward by coordinating arm and leg movements.

[Search terms: gymnastics games, gymnastics leadup games,gymnastics lead-up games,gymnastics drills,gymnastics contests,gymnastics activities

download  *Carwheels - How to Straighten*  *Carwheels - How to Straighten*

Students can straighte their cartwheels by performing them next to a wall.

download  *Bum Spins*  *Bum Spins*

An activity in which two partners, standing back-to-back, jump and spin, attempting to land back in their original position.

download  *Body Shape in Flight*  *Body Shape in Flight*

Use photographs as models for students to emulate while in flight.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

[Search terms: gymnastics activities]

download  *Body Holds - Core Takeoff Stength*  *Body Holds - Core Takeoff Stength*

Body holds allow your gymnasts to develop core strength while in a take-off position.

download  *Beam - Use Your Nose for Balance*  *Beam - Use Your Nose for Balance*

Look down the nose at the end of the beam to maintain balance on the balance beam.

download  *Beam - Balance Cue*  *Beam - Balance Cue*

Imagining an invisible zone of air from floor to ceiling around the beam will help your gymnasts maintain their balance.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

Search terms: gymnastics techniques,gymnastics beam, balance beam tips,balance beam coaching cues

download  *Balance - Letter Hop Sheets*  *Balance - Letter Hop Sheets*

A balance activity in which students hop on letters marked on vinyl sheets.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

[Search terms: gymnastics games, gymnastics drills, gymnastics activities, balance]

download  *Backward Tuck Roll Tips*  *Backward Tuck Roll Tips*

Incorrect hand position is one reason beginners have trouble performing the backward tuck roll.

Your selection returned: 49 items   -   Displaying Matches 31 thru 45 of 49 Found.  FIRSTBACK  NEXTLAST