Search Results for: All Files in Nutrition Category

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download  *Hydration - Timing & Quantity*  *Hydration - Timing & Quantity*

How much water to drink before, during and after workouts and competitions.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

Search terms: hydration tips,how much to drink,when and what to drink before competition,sports hydration,hydration for sport

download  *Juice Boxes for Sports Coolers*  *Juice Boxes for Sports Coolers*

Your athletes' portable coolers, filled with their personal competition snacks, can be kept cold with frozen juice boxes.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

[Search terms: nutrition tips,sports nutrition ideas

download  *Lean Vs Regular Hamburger Demo*  *Lean Vs Regular Hamburger Demo*

Demonstrate the difference in fat content between regular and lean ground beef by cooking a pound of each and measuring the drippings.

download  *Leftovers - Don't Cool Slowly*  *Leftovers - Don't Cool Slowly*

Leftovers should not be allowed to cool on the kitchen counter before refrigerating.
  * A web version of this article is also available.   Click Here.

download  *Liquid Meals for Pre-Competition*  *Liquid Meals for Pre-Competition*

Liquid meals empty the stomach faster, are easy to make and can be taken to class or competitions in a thermos. A recipe for a breakfast cereal milkshake is described

download  *Meatless Meal Assignment*  *Meatless Meal Assignment*

Assign your students to cook a meatless meal for their family and bring in the recipe for a class cookbook.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

[Search terms: nutrition assignments,nutrition classes,nutrition homework

download  *Microwave & Nutrient Content*  *Microwave & Nutrient Content*

Tips for preserving the nutrient content of food when cooking with a microwave.

download  *Nutrition Knowledge is Not Enough*  *Nutrition Knowledge is Not Enough*

Knowledge of good nutritional practices is not enough to produce healthy body weights in children.
  * A web version of this article is also available.   Click Here.

download  *Orange Juice & Vitamin C Needs*  *Orange Juice & Vitamin C Needs*

One glass of orange or grapefruit juice will give you all the vitamin C you need for a day.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

Search terms: nutrition tips,vitamin C

download  *Pre-Comp Nutrition Guidelines*  *Pre-Comp Nutrition Guidelines*

A handout containing guidelines for pre-competition nutrition.

download  *Recovery & Bright Fruit*  *Recovery & Bright Fruit*

Brightly-coloured fruits like strawberries will help athletes recover from hard workouts.

download  *Salt And Body Weight*  *Salt And Body Weight*

How salt is used by some fad diets to produce early but temporary weight loss.

download  *Serving Sizes - Visual Snapshot*  *Serving Sizes - Visual Snapshot*

A way to give your students the ability to visually estimate serving sizes for different good groups.

download  *Sour Cream Alternative*  *Sour Cream Alternative*

How to use yogurt to make an alternative to sour cream

download  *Sports Drinks - Add Protein*  *Sports Drinks - Add Protein*

Protein added to a carbohydrate drink will increase its ability to stimulate muscle growth and glycogen storage. How to make your own carbo/protein drink.

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