Search Results for: All Files in Gymnastics Category

Your selection returned: 49 items   -   Displaying Matches 16 thru 30 of 49 Found.  FIRSTBACK  NEXTLAST

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Title / Description
download  *Game - Order On The Bench*  *Game - Order On The Bench*

A cooperative activity in which students arrange themselves in specific orders along a bench.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

[Search terms: gymnastics games, gymnastics leadup games,gymnastics lead-up games,gymnastics drills,gymnastics contests,gymnastics activities

download  *Back Walkover Progression*  *Back Walkover Progression*

How to reduce the fear of falling when teaching the back walkover on the beam.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

[Search terms: gymnastics techniques,gymnastics tips]

download  *Gymnastics - Balloon Relay Race*  *Gymnastics - Balloon Relay Race*

A relay in which players must perform gymnastics skills in the time it takes a balloon to drop to the floor.

[Search terms: gymnastics games, gymnastics leadup games,gymnastics lead-up games,gymnastics drills,gymnastics contests,gymnastics activities

download  *Game - Footsie Rolls*  *Game - Footsie Rolls*

An activity in which partners perform synchronized log rolls.

[Search terms: gymnastics games, gymnastics leadup games,gymnastics lead-up games,gymnastics drills,gymnastics contests,gymnastics activities

download  *Game - Giant's Treasure*  *Game - Giant's Treasure*

A game in which students must perform a number of poses in order to steal a Giant's treasure.

[Search terms: gymnastics games, gymnastics leadup games,gymnastics lead-up games,gymnastics drills,gymnastics contests,gymnastics activities

download  *Game - Wheel Barrel Tag*  *Game - Wheel Barrel Tag*

A tag variation in which players spin around a mat while in a pushup position.

[Search terms: gymnastics games, gymnastics leadup games,gymnastics lead-up games,gymnastics drills,gymnastics contests,gymnastics activities

download  *Game - Yurt Circle*  *Game - Yurt Circle*

A balance activity in which half the students in a circle lean in while the other half leans out.

[Search terms: gymnastics games, gymnastics leadup games,gymnastics lead-up games,gymnastics drills,gymnastics contests,gymnastics activities

download  *Game - Monkey Baseball*  *Game - Monkey Baseball*

A contest in which students hold a beanbag between their feet and, while swinging from a rope,attempt to drop it into a hula hoop.

[Search terms: gymnastics games, gymnastics leadup games,gymnastics lead-up games,gymnastics drills,gymnastics contests,gymnastics activities

download  *Games - No Hands Getup*  *Games - No Hands Getup*

A relay that develops abdominal strength, body awareness and balance by forcing students to stand up from a prone position without using their hands.

[Search terms: gymnastics games, gymnastics leadup games,gymnastics lead-up games,gymnastics drills,gymnastics contests,gymnastics activities,relays

download  *Centipede Walk*  *Centipede Walk*

A partner/group activity in which students place their legs on top of a support-person and walk forward by coordinating arm and leg movements.

[Search terms: gymnastics games, gymnastics leadup games,gymnastics lead-up games,gymnastics drills,gymnastics contests,gymnastics activities

download  *Superman Carry*  *Superman Carry*

An activity in which a student assumes the position of a superman in flight while being carried by six classmates.

[Search terms: gymnastics games, gymnastics leadup games,gymnastics lead-up games,gymnastics drills,gymnastics contests,gymnastics activities

download  *Camel Walk Activity*  *Camel Walk Activity*

A partner activity in which one student faces backwards while lying on the back of a partner, who is walking on all fours.

[Search terms: gymnastics games, gymnastics leadup games,gymnastics lead-up games,gymnastics drills,gymnastics contests,gymnastics activities

download  *The Valdez Move*  *The Valdez Move*

The Valdez is a move in which students rise from the floor by performing a back walkover.

download  *Pyraminds - 3 Person Variations*  *Pyraminds - 3 Person Variations*

An activity in which groups create unique three-person pyramids.

download  *Rings - Strap to Teach Handstand*  *Rings - Strap to Teach Handstand*

A strap tied between the two ring cables makes it easier to learn the handstand.

Your selection returned: 49 items   -   Displaying Matches 16 thru 30 of 49 Found.  FIRSTBACK  NEXTLAST