Search Results for: All Files in Administration Category

Your selection returned: 33 items   -   Displaying Matches 16 thru 30 of 33 Found.  FIRSTBACK  NEXTLAST

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Title / Description
download  *Intramurals - Crazy Name Contest*  *Intramurals - Crazy Name Contest*

Crazy team names will give prospective participants the correct impression that your intramural program is all about fun.

download  *Using Email to Create a Community*  *Using Email to Create a Community*

E-mail can be used to extend your office hours, providing students with an additional opportunity to make a personal connection with you.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

[Search terms: email,using email with students,email list

download  *Conflict Resolution Contracts*  *Conflict Resolution Contracts*

A conflict resolution technique that produces a signed agreement between participants and reduces peer pressure to fight.

download  *Meetings- Two Per Issue Rule*  *Meetings- Two Per Issue Rule*

Keep meetings short by allowing each participant a maximum of two chances to speak per topic.

download  *Letter of Intent Misconception*  *Letter of Intent Misconception*

The National Letter of Intent is not administered by the NCAA and in fact is a voluntary contract.

download  *Intramurals: Peer-Selected Refs*  *Intramurals: Peer-Selected Refs*

Peer-selected referees can effectively officiate intramural games.

[Search terms: officials,officiating]

download  *Safety Hazards in PE Facilities*  *Safety Hazards in PE Facilities*

Inconspicuous but common safety hazards found in school athletic facilities.

download  *Hazing- Tips to Prevent*  *Hazing- Tips to Prevent*

Policies to reduce the possibility that hazing will occur at your school.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

Search terms: hazing,initiation,school hazing policy,team hazing policy

download  *Uniforms- Consolidate Purchases*  *Uniforms- Consolidate Purchases*

Combine the uniform purchases from cross-country, track and girls' and boys teams for a better price.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

[Search terms: uniforms,moneysavers,pe budget,physical education budget,purchases]

download  *Intramurals Survey*  *Intramurals Survey*

A reproducible questionnaire that determines the intramural activities your students most want to play.
  * A web version of this article is also available   Click Here.

download  *Student Officials Get Better Grades*  *Student Officials Get Better Grades*

Students who help referee and administrate intramural programs tend to have higher, not lower, grades.
  * A web version of this article is also available Click Here.

download  *Slam-Dunk Basketball Tournament*  *Slam-Dunk Basketball Tournament*

A basketball tournament with lowered baskets so everyone can slam dunk the ball.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

download  *Hotwire for Team Travel*  *Hotwire for Team Travel*

How to use the online travel service, Hotwire, to save money on accommodations for team trips.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

[Search terms: Hotwire savings,team travel,hotel savings]

download  *Officials Exchange*  *Officials Exchange*

Attract officials to work your events by exchanging services with a university team.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

[Search terms: event officials,university recruiting,home game organization,game officials,referees, finding officials,finding referees]

download  *Use Other Sports for Promotion*  *Use Other Sports for Promotion*

Promote less popular teams to the crowds at well-attended basketball and football games.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

[Search terms: sports promotion,promoting your teams, how to promote your teams]

Your selection returned: 33 items   -   Displaying Matches 16 thru 30 of 33 Found.  FIRSTBACK  NEXTLAST