Search Results for: All Files in Issues & Essays & Humor Category

Your selection returned: 65 items   -   Displaying Matches 61 thru 65 of 65 Found.  FIRSTBACK  

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Title / Description
download  *Athlete Quotes Keep You Laughing*  *Athlete Quotes Keep You Laughing*

Real athlete quotes keep this old coach coming back.

download  *Baseball: No Cabbage on Your Head*  *Baseball: No Cabbage on Your Head*

It is against the rules for players in the Korean Baseball League to wear cabbage on their head during a game.

download  *Quips and Quotes by Peter Coe*  *Quips and Quotes by Peter Coe*

Some words of wisdom from middle distance guru, Peter Coe.

download  *Female Athletes ARE Different*  *Female Athletes ARE Different*

Coaching girls IS different from coaching guys!

download  *PE Can Eliminate the Deficit*  *PE Can Eliminate the Deficit*

Daily physical education can produce huge savings for government.

Your selection returned: 65 items   -   Displaying Matches 61 thru 65 of 65 Found.  FIRSTBACK