Search Results for: All Files in football Category

Your selection returned: 70 items   -   Displaying Matches 16 thru 30 of 70 Found.  FIRSTBACK  NEXTLAST

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Title / Description
download  *Punting: Up-the-Field Drill*  *Punting: Up-the-Field Drill*

A drill that teaches kickers to use the right type of punt for the ball's position on the field.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

[Search terms: punting,football punting, punt, punting tips, punting technique]

download  *Substitution System for Football*  *Substitution System for Football*

A system for avoiding confusion and when making player substitutions on the football field.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

[Search terms: football subs, football subbing,football substitutions, football coaching]

download  *QB: Wt Shift & Follow-Thru Cue*  *QB: Wt Shift & Follow-Thru Cue*

Have students drag the back toe when throwing the football to ensure good balance, weight-shift and follow-through.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

[Search terms: football quarterback,quarterback tips,quarterback coaching cues, football throwing]

download  *40-Yard Dash Hand-Time Correction*  *40-Yard Dash Hand-Time Correction*

You should add .16 seconds to hand times in the 40-yard dash to make them equivalent to electronic times.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

[Search terms: football testing,football 40 yard dash,football drills, football tests, football speed, football tips]

download  *Maintaining Players' Attention*  *Maintaining Players' Attention*

Two ways to get students to focus on your instructions, even when in a distracting environment.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

[Search terms: football coaching tips,group teaching,group coaching,teaching groups]

download  *Playing-Time Tips for Football*  *Playing-Time Tips for Football*

Several tips for getting every football player on your bench into the game without compromising your ability to win.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

[Search terms: football substitutions,foot playing time,football coaching tips,football tips]

download  *Fourth-Down Decisions*  *Fourth-Down Decisions*

A statistical study that shows football teams should go for it more often on fourth-down situations.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

[Search terms: football, fourth down, 4th down, punting]

download  *Resisted Knee Lifts for Sprinting*  *Resisted Knee Lifts for Sprinting*

An eight-week program of resisted knee lifts can improve sprinting times.
  * A web article and video is also available.   Click Here.

download  *Cornerbacks - Strategy When Beaten*  *Cornerbacks - Strategy When Beaten*

How to avoid the most common mistake made by defensive backs when outrun by a fast receiver.
  * A web article and video is also available.   Click Here.

download  *Flag Football Manual*  *Flag Football Manual*

A free manual on flag football from Flag Football Canada.
  * A web version of this article is also available.   Click Here.

download  *Football Helmets- Make Them Safer*  *Football Helmets- Make Them Safer*

Stainless steel screws - as opposed to carbon steel - should be used to fasten football facemasks.
  * A web version of this article is also available.   Click Here.

download  *Cut Blocking & 5 Step Drop*  *Cut Blocking & 5 Step Drop*

In pass protection situations, offensive players should not cut block when their quarterback uses a five-step drop.
  * A web version of this article is also available Click Here.

download  *Kicking- Mental Cue For Distance*  *Kicking- Mental Cue For Distance*

A way to change the kicker's perception of the distance of a field goal attempt.
  * A web version of this article is also available.   Click Here.

download  *Defense-Prep Against Fast Receiver*  *Defense-Prep Against Fast Receiver*

Prepare your defense for fast opposing receivers by lining your practice receivers ahead of the normal line of scrimmage.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

download  *Wrestling for Off-Season Training*  *Wrestling for Off-Season Training*

Wrestling is a very specific mode of off-season training for football players.
  * A web version of this article is also available.   Click Here.

Your selection returned: 70 items   -   Displaying Matches 16 thru 30 of 70 Found.  FIRSTBACK  NEXTLAST