Search Results for: All Files in Training-Room Category

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Title / Description
download  *Iliotibial Band - How to Massage*  *Iliotibial Band - How to Massage*

How to use deep massage to cure IT Band Syndrome. A rolling pin can be used for self massage.

download  *Pain-Free Splinter Removal Tips*  *Pain-Free Splinter Removal Tips*

Five ways to make the removal of splinters less frightening and painful.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

[Search terms: splinters,slivers]

download  *Funny Sports Medicine Terms*  *Funny Sports Medicine Terms*

Funny definitions for common sports-medicine terms.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

[Search terms: sports injuries,funny articles,humor,humour ]

download  *Rice Treatment Reduces Scar Tissue*  *Rice Treatment Reduces Scar Tissue*

The traditional RICE treatment (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) reduces not only swelling and inflammation, but also the formation of scar tissue around soft tissue injuries.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

[Search terms: sports injuries,sports medicine,injury,sports rehabilitation,sports massage]

download  *Nordic Walking & Impact Stress*  *Nordic Walking & Impact Stress*

Nordic walking, in which students walk with adapted nordic ski poles, does not reduce impact stress.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

[Search terms: nordic walking,pole walking]

download  *Icing - Intermittent is Best*  *Icing - Intermittent is Best*

An effective injury icing regimen, in which patients ice for 10 minutes, rest, then repeat.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

[Search terms: icing,soft-tissue injuries,injury rehabilitation,ankle sprains,cryotherapy]

download  *Flip-Flop & Foot Pain*  *Flip-Flop & Foot Pain*

Flip flops force wearers to walk with the toes curled, causing an unnatural gait and potential foot and leg problems.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

download  *Acupinch for Muscle Cramps*  *Acupinch for Muscle Cramps*

The Acupinch technique can quickly cure muscle cramps and possibly side stitches.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

download  *Ankle Sprain Prevention*  *Ankle Sprain Prevention*

The Mulligan taping technique, using only two strips of tape, may revolutionize the way we prevent ankle inversion sprains.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

download  *Ankle Sprains- New Taping Concept*  *Ankle Sprains- New Taping Concept*

Chronic pain after an ankle sprain may be the result of a misalignment of the tibia and fibula at the distal tibiofibular joint: a problem that can be improved through a simple taping method called the Mulligan ankle taping technique.

download  *Iliotibial Band - Self Massage*  *Iliotibial Band - Self Massage*

Foam noodles and water-filled pop bottles can be used to provide an effective self-massage for the IT Band.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

download  *Soft Tissue Release*  *Soft Tissue Release*

Soft tissue release elongates muscles that have already reached a point of stretch.
  * A web article and video is also available.   Click Here.

download  *Injuries- Check Outside Activities*  *Injuries- Check Outside Activities*

The true cause of performance problems and injuries often lies in an athlete?s private life.

download  *Heel Spurs - Use Lipstick*  *Heel Spurs - Use Lipstick*

Use lipstick to mark the area of a shoe insole that should be removed to relieve the pressure on sore areas of the foot including heel spurs, neuromas and calluses.
  * A web version of this article is also available.   Click Here.

download  *Concussion Tool Kit*  *Concussion Tool Kit*

A free tool kit from the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control, that provides many resources for the prevention, identification and management of concussions.
  * A web version of this article is also available.   Click Here.

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