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download  *Trash Walk*  *Trash Walk*

Having students collect garbage for points makes a fitness walk more fun.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

Search terms: fitness activities,pe activities,physical education activities

download  *All-Night Cramming Isn't Efficient*  *All-Night Cramming Isn't Efficient*

Students who miss sleep from cramming forget 20-50% more information than students who get a good night's sleep.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

[Search terms: study techniques,cramming,studying techniques]

download  *Questionnaire Jog*  *Questionnaire Jog*

A way to keep students active while filling out forms during PE class.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

[Search terms: teaching tips,pe paperwork,pe tips]

download  *Ticket Draws for Better Behaviour*  *Ticket Draws for Better Behaviour*

Present tickets to students demonstrating positive behaviour. The tickets give the students a chance to win a draw prize at the end of the week.

download  *Using Email to Create a Community*  *Using Email to Create a Community*

E-mail can be used to extend your office hours, providing students with an additional opportunity to make a personal connection with you.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

[Search terms: email,using email with students,email list

download  *Letter to Teacher Who Witholds PE*  *Letter to Teacher Who Witholds PE*

Witholding physical education should not be used as a form of punishment.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

download  *Attendance Group Timesaver*  *Attendance Group Timesaver*

How to save time by taking absences, not attendance.

[Search terms: attendance ideas,]

download  *Conflict Resolution Contracts*  *Conflict Resolution Contracts*

A conflict resolution technique that produces a signed agreement between participants and reduces peer pressure to fight.

download  *Exit Poll Tests Students' Feelings*  *Exit Poll Tests Students' Feelings*

A way to obtain anonymous feedback from your students about their enjoyment of your physical education classes.

download  *Forgotten Gym Clothing Solution*  *Forgotten Gym Clothing Solution*

Students who forget their gym outfit can be discouraged from a repeat performance by having them perform menial tasks for their classmates.

download  *Gym Shoe Backups*  *Gym Shoe Backups*

A box of used shoes will ensure that forgetful students will be able to participate in your class.

download  *Homework- Sports Page Assignment*  *Homework- Sports Page Assignment*

Some ideas for using the sports page in homework assignments for your phys-ed students.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

[Search terms: physical education homework, pe homework, pe assignments,physical education assignments

download  *Hyperactive Kids - Which Sports?*  *Hyperactive Kids - Which Sports?*

Individual sports with lots of personal coaching are most appropriate for hyperactive children.

[Search terms: hyperactivity,hyperactive students]

download  *Icebreaker- Personal Business Card*  *Icebreaker- Personal Business Card*

Students can make personal business cards as a way to improve self-esteem and class cohesion.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

Search terms: icebreakers,icebreaking activities,get-to-know-you activities

download  *Local Fitness Resources*  *Local Fitness Resources*

Students should be introduced to community recreational and fitness organizations, so they?ll be more likely to remain physically active once they leave school.

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