Search Results for: All Files in CC - Skiing Category

Your selection returned: 46 items   -   Displaying Matches 16 thru 30 of 46 Found.  FIRSTBACK  NEXTLAST

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Title / Description
download  *Gaiters - Make Your Own*  *Gaiters - Make Your Own*

Homemade gaiters made from bread bags will allow your students to walk through knee-deep snow without getting their pants wet.

download  *Skating - How Much Faster?*  *Skating - How Much Faster?*

Skate skiing is 10-30% faster than the classic technique.

download  *Kick With the Whole Foot*  *Kick With the Whole Foot*

Improve skating efficiency by kicking with the entire foot, not just the toes or ball of the foot.

download  *Glide - Bend the Front Leg*  *Glide - Bend the Front Leg*

Keep the front leg bent on the glide to save energy.

download  *Make Bicycle & Roller Coaster Dips*  *Make Bicycle & Roller Coaster Dips*

Two easily-made trail features that will challenge your XC-ski students'? balance.

download  *Chariot Racing*  *Chariot Racing*

A skiing relay in which skiers tow a partner on a toboggan, inner tube or skis.

download  *Diagonal Stride - Uphill Cues*  *Diagonal Stride - Uphill Cues*

Two coaching cues that will help your students ascend hills more easily.

download  *Pole Drill*  *Pole Drill*

A drill that reinforces correct body alignment when skate-skiing.

download  *Scooters Drills Teach Pushoff & Glide*  *Scooters Drills Teach Pushoff & Glide*

Drills in which skiers remove a ski and concentrate on pushing off with one leg while gliding with the other.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

Search terms: Nordic skiing drills,cross country skiing drills,nordic ski glide drills

download  *Balance - Kick Step Drill*  *Balance - Kick Step Drill*

A balance drill in which students lift their skis in quick steps as they descend a hill.

download  *Game - Samurai Warrior*  *Game - Samurai Warrior*

A game in which a circle of students on skis must duck, jump or fall down, depending on signals given by a sword-wielding teacher.

download  *Balance - Simple Beginner Drills*  *Balance - Simple Beginner Drills*

Some drills to improve your beginners? balance on their skis.

download  *Game - Ski Tag Course*  *Game - Ski Tag Course*

A circular course for playing tag on cross-country skis.

download  *Gliding: Stride-Stride-Glide Drill*  *Gliding: Stride-Stride-Glide Drill*

A striding sequence for developing the ability to glide on a single ski.

download  *Classic - Skipping Drill*  *Classic - Skipping Drill*

A drill in which students literally skip on their skis.

Your selection returned: 46 items   -   Displaying Matches 16 thru 30 of 46 Found.  FIRSTBACK  NEXTLAST