Search Results for: All Files in Equipment Category

Your selection returned: 108 items   -   Displaying Matches 106 thru 108 of 108 Found.  FIRSTBACK  

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Title / Description
download  *Strength - Use Racket Covers*  *Strength - Use Racket Covers*

An inexpensive method for developing strength for tennis.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

[Search terms: tennis rackets, tennis racquets, tennis raquet, strength for tennis, tennis strength exercises]

download  *Wind-Proof Your Practice Hurdles*  *Wind-Proof Your Practice Hurdles*

How to ensure that your lightweight practice hurdles don’t tip over in heavy winds.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

[Search terms:track tips,track equipment,hurdles,practice hurdles,hurdling

download  *Tugball™ - A New Ball for PE Games*  *Tugball™ - A New Ball for PE Games*

The Tugball™ is a newly-designed ball that allows you to play new variations of old games, and also invent new games.
  * A web version of this article is also available. Click Here.

Search terms: new ball designs,tugball games

Your selection returned: 108 items   -   Displaying Matches 106 thru 108 of 108 Found.  FIRSTBACK