Physical Education Tips of the Week #36
March 13, 2008

Physical Education Tips of the Week #36
March 13, 2008

Dick Moss, Editor

1. Editor's Note

The winner of the"Best Forum Post" contest is Sarah, who wins for her post on stupid rules (no cartwheeling shot putters) and for divulging some minor games resources. Congratulations!

You may have had problems accessing the discussion forum. It was an error on our end, but it has been corrected and you should all now have access to the forum.

I recommend that you check out the forum...and even better, participate. It is already becoming a super resource. PE Update Members can see the forum at: Discussion Forum

Because of these problems, we'll run the Best Forum Post contest one more time, with the final winner being presented three weeks from now, on April 3. The prize is the eBook, Tricks of the Trade for the Sprints, Hurdles and Relays.

If you're not already a member, we hope you'll come on board. You can get more information at the following: Membership Information

I hope you enjoy this issue of PE Tips of the Week!

Dick Moss, Editor


Physical Education Tips of the Week #36
March 13, 2008
2. From the Web


SportSkool is a new digital television station specializing in sport instruction. Here's a video from one of their basketball segments. It's an introduction to shooting, in particular, the finger roll, hook shot and jump hook. The instructor is NBA great, Bill Walton.
Click Here


Physical Education Tips of the Week #36
March 13, 2008
3. From the Discussion Forum

Serena had a request for new cooperative games resources and Matt mentioned a list of K-12 resources on the Canadian website.

Do you have some cooperative games resources that you find useful? If you are a PE Update subscriber, post your ideas, questions, comments to the discussion forum at: Discussion Forum


Physical Education Tips of the Week #36
March 13, 2008
4. New Additions to the Websites

Here are the Articles that have been added to the websites this week.
These articles are available to PE Update members.

  • Games: Elves, Wizards and Giants
    A tag game in which the roles are decided using an active version of Rock, Paper, Scissors.

  • Sport Psychology: The "Count" Technique for Better Focus During Racquet Sports
    Minimize distracting thoughts by having your players count each time the ball contacts a racquet.


    Physical Education Tips of the Week #36
March 13, 2008
    **Don't Delay - Join the PE Update Website Today!**

    You'll receive the following benefits:

    • New articles on the latest in PE and sports instruction - digested from the best books, journals, videos, coaching clinics, DVD's and instructional websites from around the world!
    • A Colleague's Discussion Forum.
    • Instructional Videos.
    • A free bonus of over 1800 downloadable pdf articles from PE Digest.
    • An RSS Feed to inform you of changes!
    • A free bonus of 21 reproducible coaching charts.
    • Only 47.95 U.S. per month, or $59.95 for a full year!

    For more information or to become a member, Click Here!


    Physical Education Tips of the Week #36
March 13, 2008
    5. From the PE Update Blog

    Monday Morning Musings on the World of Sports, Coaching & Physical Education from Editor, Dick Moss.

    A discussion of the world's shortest poem. It was delivered by Muhammad Ali to a group of Harvard University graduates. Your editor thinks it's a very concise masterpiece.
    To read more, click this link to the blog: //


    Physical Education Tips of the Week #36
March 13, 2008
    6. Pick of the Week

    Each week, I'll highlight an article that I think is really useful. The article will be available to non-members of the website for a week, and to members forever!

    This week's pick is:
    Training Room Tips: Over-Icing can INCREASE Inflammation

    It's not uncommon to put some ice on an injury, then just forget about it. But that's not a good idea. Icing too long can increase inflammation - just the opposite of the desired effect. Here's how long is too long.


    7. How to Subscribe/Unsubscribe to the
    Free PE Tips of the Week Newsletter

    If you haven't already subscribed to the Tips of the Week Newsletter, do it now! You'll receive a free copy of a super eBook that will save you tons of money. Called "Sports and PE Equipment You Can Make Yourself," it's 146 pages and is a $12.99 value - but you get if FREE! Just go to the following link to subscribe:

    Subscribe to the free PE Tips of the Week Newsletter

    Is this newsletter not for you? You can unsubscribe by emailing me at: [email protected] and saying "Unsubscribe."

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