Teaching Tips: Videos to Introduce Your Students to Community Fitness Resources

Dick Moss, Editor

One of the prime directives of physical educators is to promote lifetime fitness.  A great way to do this is to introduce our students to community resources they can access after they leave school.  In fact, even while they're still students, they may want to join a local sports or fitness club to explore a specific interest.

Here's How
An effective way to introduce your students to local fitness resources is by making videos profiling them, handing out contact sheets, and following up with demonstrations by the organization.

1. Videos
Here are three ways to produce these videos:

2.  Demonstrations
You could show the videos, then arrange for follow-up visits and demonstrations by representatives of the clubs.

3.  Contact Sheets
Send contact sheets to each facility asking them for information like name, address, contact person, rates, hours, facilities, etc. Compile this information on a sheet you can post on your PE Bulletin board. Again, this can be a project for a PE student.

1. G.E. Bowles (The Barnwell School), “Viewpoint: Bridging the gap in Stevenage.” British Journal of Physical Education, March/April 1988.
2. Don Hellison, Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Through Physical Activity-3rd Edition, Human Kinetics, 2010.

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