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Games: Non-Elimination Simon Says for Physical Education Class
Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education Update.comGames: Non-Elimination Simon Says for Physical Education Class

How to make "Simon Says" into a non-elimination fitness game for physical education classes.... keep reading..

Strength (Video): Resisted Knee Lifts Improve Sprint Speed
Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education Update.comStrength (Video): Resisted Knee Lifts Improve Sprint Speed

An 8-week program of resisted knee lifts can improve 40-yard dash times by .23 seconds.... keep reading..

Intramurals: Slam-Dunk Basketball Tournament
Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education Update.comIntramurals: Slam-Dunk Basketball Tournament

A fun basketball tournament in which adjustable baskets are lowered so that everyone can slam dunk the ball.... keep reading..

Teaching: Fitness Activities Homework Assignment
Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education Update.comTeaching: Fitness Activities Homework Assignment

A physical education homework assignment that requires students to incorporate fitness into their everyday lives. Includes reproducible award certificate.... keep reading..

Promotion: Enthusiastic Class Award
Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education Update.comPromotion: Enthusiastic Class Award

A contest that will increase the spectator numbers and fan spirit at one of your home games. Includes reproducible certificate.... keep reading..

Baseball/Softball: Teaching the Bent-Leg Slide
Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education Update.comBaseball/Softball: Teaching the Bent-Leg Slide

How to teach the bent-leg or figure-four slide, including a test to identify the leg that should be bent under. Includes tips on the hook and backdoor slide.... keep reading..

Displaying Matches 1 thru 6 of 6 Found  

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