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Health: Heart Demonstration Using a Tennis Ball
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comHealth: Heart Demonstration Using a Tennis Ball

Have your health class students squeeze a tennis ball to demonstrate how hard the heart works while pumping blood.... keep reading..

Sport Psychology: Should Athletes Listen to Music Before They Compete?
Thierry Middleton, Alain Gauthier,Sylvain GrenierSport Psychology: Should Athletes Listen to Music Before They Compete?

Does listening to music as part of a pre-competition routine improve actual race performance?... keep reading..

Blog: Focus on Individual Activities Increases Physical Education Participation
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comBlog: Focus on Individual Activities Increases Physical Education Participation

How a physical educator increased PE participation rates by 20% by adding individual sports to his curriculum.... keep reading..

Gymnastics: Walking Handstand
Dick Moss, EditorGymnastics: Walking Handstand

A partner activity for gymnastics class in which students walk upside down while balanced on a partner's feet.... keep reading..

Golf: "Read" the Ball for Better Contact
Matt Bianchi, ContributorGolf: Read the Ball for Better Contact

A good tip for your golf unit or varsity team - prevent unwanted head movement by reading the label of the ball during the swing.... keep reading..

Games: Take a Chance Game
Dick Moss, EditorGames: Take a Chance Game

A throwing game for phys-ed class in which students must leave themselves vulnerable in order to make offensive plays... keep reading..

Fundraising: Fudge Fundraiser
Dick Moss, EditorFundraising: Fudge Fundraiser

Sell homemade fudge and peanut brittle as a pre-Christmas fundraiser.... keep reading..

Fitness: Listen to Your Breathing to Determine Aerobic Training Zone
Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education UpdateFitness: Listen to Your Breathing to Determine Aerobic Training Zone

You can't afford heart-rate monitors for every student in the aerobic exercise units of your physical education classes. Fortunately, students can stay within their aerobic training zones by monitoring their breathing intensity.... keep reading..

Field Events: Standing Shot Put is a Good Predictor of Competitive Performance
Dick Moss, Editor, PE UpdateField Events: Standing Shot Put is a Good Predictor of Competitive Performance

The standing shot put accounts for 90% of the distance achieved in the full glide technique. It's a good way to predict your PE students' competitive performance.... keep reading..

Football: Double Passer Drill for Defensive Back Pressure
Brian Olthuis, ContributorFootball: Double Passer Drill for Defensive Back Pressure

A football passing, receiving & defending drill in which two quarterbacks throw a ball to a different receiver on each play. Can be used for your school's varsity or flag football practices.... keep reading..

Dance: The Animal Dance Exercise
Pat Aitken for PE Update.comDance: The Animal Dance Exercise

A physical education exercise for your dance unit in which students represent their favorite animal in a dance, while other students guess the animal.... keep reading..

Blog: In Praise of Rubber Chickens
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comBlog: In Praise of Rubber Chickens

A physical education convention illustrates the reasons why the editor enjoys dealing with his PE teacher clientele.... keep reading..

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