General PE Topics continued

Displaying Matches 1 thru 6 of 6 Found.  

Resources: "Science of the Winter Olympics" Lesson Plans for Physical Education Class
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comResources: Science of the Winter Olympics Lesson Plans for Physical Education Class

A website that provides free physical education lesson plans explaining the science involved in a number of Winter Olympic sports.... keep reading..

Reproducibles: Field Hockey Skills Award
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comReproducibles: Field Hockey Skills Award

A printable certificate that rewards students who have completed the field hockey unit in your physical education class.... keep reading..

Fitness: Favorite Sports Routine
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comFitness: Favorite Sports Routine

A fitness routine, using key elements from a number of different sports, that you can perform in your classroom or in physical education classes when no gym is available.... keep reading..

Resources/Tennis: Eight School Lesson Plans from the United States Tennis Association
Resources/Tennis: Eight School Lesson Plans from the United States Tennis Association

Eight free physical education program lesson plans for tennis, provided for free from the United States Tennis Association.... keep reading..

Sport Psychology: Parents Receive Significant Benefits from Their Children's Participation in Sport
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comSport Psychology: Parents Receive Significant Benefits from Their Children's Participation in Sport

Parents who sit at practices and games (and possibly volunteer) may be getting as much out of the experience as their athlete-children.... keep reading..

Promotion: School Spirit Contest
Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comPromotion: School Spirit Contest

A creative way to attract a gym full of loud, supportive fans, all wearing school colors. Includes a printable award.... keep reading..

Displaying Matches 1 thru 6 of 6 Found  

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