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The list shows the most widely read articles on this site.

  1. Swimming: Which Swimming Stroke Uses the Most Energy?
    Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comSwimming: Which Swimming Stroke Uses the Most Energy?

    The breaststroke, not the butterfly, uses the most calories of all the swimming strokes. A swimming factoid for physical education classes.... keep reading..

  1. Nutrition: The Big Crunch Carrot Activity
    Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comNutrition: The Big Crunch Carrot Activity

    A fun nutrition activity in which everyone in your class, or even your school, crunches a carrot at the same time.... keep reading..

  1. Track/Equipment: How to Make Homemade Relay Batons
    Pat AitkenTrack/Equipment: How to Make Homemade Relay Batons

    Broom handles, PVC tubing, and weighted paper towel rolls can all be used to make relay batons for physical education classes and varsity practice.... keep reading..

  1. Fitness: Order of Stretching Is Important
    Dick Moss, EditorFitness: Order of Stretching Is Important

    The large, core muscles should be stretched first so they don't limit the range of motion of the smaller, adjacent muscles.... keep reading..

  1. Track (Video): Kick-Off-the-Turn Workout
    Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education Update.comTrack (Video): Kick-Off-the-Turn Workout

    A track workout that combines speed development with the tactics required to kick past opponents on the turns.... keep reading..

  1. Games: Non-Elimination Simon Says for Physical Education Class
    Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education Update.comGames: Non-Elimination Simon Says for Physical Education Class

    How to make "Simon Says" into a non-elimination fitness game for physical education classes.... keep reading..

  1. Football: Hand-Time Correction for the 40-Yard Test
    Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comFootball: Hand-Time Correction for the 40-Yard Test

    You should add .16 seconds to hand-times in the 40-yard dash to make them equivalent to electronic times.... keep reading..

  1. Games: Chopstick Relay
    Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comGames: Chopstick Relay

    A relay game in which students must learn to use chopsticks. Good for physical education classes or for in-class fitness breaks.... keep reading..

  1. Equipment/Badminton: How to Make Portable Badminton Posts
    Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education Update.comEquipment/Badminton: How to Make Portable Badminton Posts

    How to make portable badminton posts you can use in your schoolyard or in physical education classes.... keep reading..

  1. Games: Spider Web Game
    Pat AitkenGames: Spider Web Game

    An activity in which PE students combine tossing and catching skills with academic work.... keep reading..

  1. Games: Rocket Shuttle Relay Race
    Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education Update.comGames:  Rocket Shuttle Relay Race

    A relay in which teammates must race while jammed inside a hula hoop.... keep reading..

  1. Fitness: Geocaching Makes Walking Fun for PE Classes
    Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education UpdateFitness: Geocaching Makes Walking Fun for PE Classes

    A walking activity for your physical education class that combines satellite navigation,, orienteering, computer skills and treasure hunting.... keep reading..

  1. Games: Scooter Bowling
    Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comGames: Scooter Bowling

    A fun game for physical education class in which players throw balls at bowling pins while rolling on scooters.... keep reading..

  1. Training Room Tips: The Mulligan Taping Technique is Effective for Ankle Sprain Prevention
    Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education Update.comTraining Room Tips: The Mulligan Taping Technique is Effective for Ankle Sprain Prevention

    The Mulligan taping technique, using only two strips of tape, may revolutionize the way we attempt to prevent ankle injuries.... keep reading..

  1. Baseball/Softball: Bellyball Game
    Pat Aitken for PE Update.comBaseball/Softball: Bellyball Game

    A baseball variation in which baserunners must belly-flop onto crash mats to be safe. A good variation for physical education classes and for inside your gymnasium.... keep reading..

  1. Badminton - Triangle Principle for Shuttle Placement
    Dick MossBadminton - Triangle Principle for Shuttle Placement

    Avoid making diagonal shots to fatigue opponents by forcing them to change direction on every shot.... keep reading..

  1. Track: 400m Rhythm Workout
    Dick Moss, Editor, PE Update.comTrack: 400m Rhythm Workout

    A workout that prepares 400m runners for race pace and rhythm by running a lap in 100m sections.... keep reading..

  1. Games: Non-Elimination Simon Says for Physical Education Class
    Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education Update.comGames: Non-Elimination Simon Says for Physical Education Class

    How to make "Simon Says" into a non-elimination fitness game for physical education classes.... keep reading..

  1. Baseball: How to Determine the Optimal Distance from the Plate
    Dick Moss, EditorBaseball: How to Determine the Optimal Distance from the Plate

    Two methods for determining a baseball batter's optimal position in the batting box.... keep reading..

  1. Games: Bowling Pin Defender
    Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education Update.comGames: Bowling Pin Defender

    A fun game for practicing basic throwing skills in physical education class.... keep reading..

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