Example of using the new MGeBay tag

Here's how to use the MGebay tag to display eBay auction listings on any MemberGate page.

The cf_mgebay tag will display ebay auction listings on any Membergate page.

You can specify the auction categories, a search term, the sort order for results, the number of results to be display, the width of the results, and a headline above the results.

To call the tag, use the following:


with any of these parameters:

cats - eBay categories, seperate by commas
query - term to search for
searchd - search descriptions as well as headlines - default = n
sort - sort order, options: ending, highestprice, lowestprice, newest
title - headline to be shown above results
width - display width default="570"
showlistings - number of listings to show - default = 20
country - eBay country code (default = 0 USA) track - commission junction id #

The following example shows results where the tag has been set to search for 'Sony VX2100'.