Cross-Country Skiing: Shift Your Weight Onto the Entire Front Foot in the Diagonal Stride

Cross-Country Skiing: Shift Your Weight Onto the Entire Front Foot in the Diagonal Stride

Pat Aitken for Physical Education

When beginners shift onto their front ski while performing the classic technique, they often make the mistake of attempting to glide with their weight supported only on the ball of their foot.

In fact, they should feel their weight settle onto their entire front foot every time they stride forward. This tip will produce better balance and also better power since it allows the foot to roll forward from heel to toe for a better push-off.


1. Katrin Barth & Hubert Bruhl, Training Cross-Country Skiing, Meyer & Meyer, 2006.
2. Paul Peterson, “Life out of balance.” Cross Country Skier,
November 1995.

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