Dance: Sport Sequence Dance Routines

Dance: Sport Sequence Dance Routines

Dick Moss, Editor, PE

Here's an idea that will involve your reluctant macho-type guys in a creative dance session.

Sports Dance Routine
Ask each student to select two poses from their favorite sport and attempt to join them together. Then pair your students up and ask them to learn their partner's routines.

Finally, have the partners join all four poses together, add an interesting start and finish…and they'll have choreographed their own unique dance routine. Finish the class by having them perform their routines to music.

You can use the same strategy when developing creative floor routine movements for your gymnasts.

1. Kit Poole, Movement to Music Ideas, For  Rec Only, November 1994.
2. Matt Pagett, Best Dance Moves in the World...Ever! Chronicle Books, 2008.

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