Swimming: "Ride the River"
Swimming Pool Activity

Dick Moss, Editor

Ride the River is a group activity you can use to practice floating and sculling skills.

Break your students into small groups and have them stand in the water at a shallow corner of the pool.

Instruct them to hold hands, then run as fast as they can in a circle. This will cause the water to move down the edge of the pool like a river current.

When your students can't run any faster, give a signal and have them ride the current down the pool edge, using various floating and sculling techniques. For example, the first time down, they could float on their stomach. The second time, on their back, feet first, etc.



Ride the River: Step 1 - Students Hold Hands and Run in a Circle
Ride the River: Step 1 - Students Hold Hands and Run in a Circle


Ride the River: Step 2 - Students Ride the Current Down the Pool Wall
Ride the River: Step 2 - Students Ride the Current Down the Pool Wall


1. Terri Elder, Water Fun and Fitness,
Human Kinetics Publishers, 1995.
2. Dick Hannula and North Thornton, The Swim Coaching Bible, Volume II, Human Kinetics, 2012.

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