Fundraising: Business Contact Identification Forms

Dick Moss, Editor

Many schools are now allowed to approach businesses for corporate sponsorships.

As we all know, the most effective way to approach anyone is through a personal contact. And you probably have a hidden resource of such contacts right on your school staff.

Below is a link to a form you can use to identify anyone on your staff who has a business contact…and might even be willing to make an approach on your school's behalf.  If they aren't willing to go that far, this form will at least allow you to start your pitch with, “Hi, I work with Judy Sanchez.”

Business Contacts Form - Click Here

Just make copies of the form on the right and leave in your staff mail slots.

Reference: Terry Moss (Consulting Editor). Terry Moss, an editor at PE Update, is a principal and  former physical education head with the Rainbow District School Board in Sudbury, Ontario.

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