A Simple Way to Estimate the 
Starting Mark for the High Jump Runup
A Simple Way to Estimate the Starting Mark for the High Jump Runup

Field Events: Quick Way to Determine the Starting Mark for the High Jump Runup

Dick Moss, Editor

A consistent runup is essential in the flop high jump technique. But how do your beginners determine where they should start their runup?

Here's a quick  way to estimate the starting mark for the runup. Veteran high jump coach Sue Humphrey calls it the “Five & 16 method.”

Five and 16 Method
Have your jumpers stand an arm's length away from the near high jump standard. This is their approximate take-off point.  They then take five normal walking strides parallel to the bar and away from the pit. Tape that mark. Then have them turn at a right angle and take 16 normal walking strides away from the pit — mark the point where their foot lands on the final stride.

This will give them the approximate starting point for an 8-10 stride runup. As they practice, they can adjust their starting mark from this initial point.   

1. Sue Humphrey, Women's High Jump video, Championship Books and Video Productions,  1994.
2. Boo Schexnayder & Latif Thomas, Complete Track and Field Conditioning: The Complete Guide to the Jumping Events [Kindle Edition], Athletes Acceleration, 2012

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