Badminton: Watch for a Lateral Weight Shift to Neutralize a Rushing Serve Receiver

Badminton: Watch for a Lateral Weight Shift to Neutralize a Rushing Serve Receiver

Dick Moss, Editor, Physical Education

When playing doubles in badminton, playing against an opponent who likes to rush the serve can be an intimidating experience.

Here's a way to neutralize such an opponent.

Tip for Countering a Rushing Serve Receiver
Vary the time it takes you to serve. You have five seconds to get the serve off, but if you serve in one second on one serve then take five seconds the next time, it will disrupt your rushing opponent's ability to anticipate.

Also, when you do delay your serve, watch for the opponent to shift his weight to the left or right - usually the shift will be towards his forehand. When this happens, serve immediately to the opposite side. For example, if he shifts towards his forehand, serve immediately to his backhand.

This will put him slightly off-balance and may result in a less-than-optimal return.

Reference: Service Tips. Badzone ?

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